The Unless Vision: A Wonderful World Is Waiting On You

At Unless, we draw inspiration from the Lorax, the beloved character from Dr. Seuss’ book who passionately speaks for the trees and promotes their protection. We share the belief that we need more trees, and we need them now. Our mission is to establish a foundation that fosters interaction with nature and encourages tree and orchard planting.

Founded by Brandon Maberry in 2018, the vision for open-source orchards and food-secure communities has been the driving element in the on-going development of Unless.

We believe that every school should have an orchard, and every child should have access to the knowledge of how easy it is to grow their own fruit. Our Youth Tree Ambassador program is designed to train students to become the keepers of the trees at their school for the year. We teach them about planting, observation, and care so that they can become the stewards of an ever-expanding school orchard. We facilitate the ongoing education that our stewards can provide.

About Brandon

Brandon Maberry is a tree-hugging, regenerative agroforestry professional living in the heart of middle Tennessee. When he’s not planting a tree or playing four amazing kids, you’ll most likely find him trekking through state parks or wandering off the beaten path in search of Mother Nature’s finest treasures. Trees, flowers, rocks, hills, water…you name it, he loves it!

Since 2016, Brandon’s been on a mission to plant trees and teach others how to do it. He felt like he needed to do more for his kids and the community, so he joined on at Caney Fork Farms and volunteered with Grow Enrichment. Every year since then he’s been grafting and planting trees all over the place – farms, parks, even his friends’ houses. He’s become a bit of a tree-whisperer, learning how to propagate and grow them anywhere. He’s so into this mission that he even branded himself with it in 2019! Now, he’s all about planting trees at schools and teaching kids how to do it.

Want to join the green machine in replanting ? Help us out by giving a little or signing up your school to start your own orchard. We guarantee it’ll be tree-mendous!